
What is a Mobility Scooter?

Mobility scooter is a mobility aid equivalent to a wheelchair but configured like a motorscooter. Much like a bicycle, the user sits on them on a similar seated position and steers them by way of handlebars.

Scooters run on integrated batteries and need regular charging. Each model differs slightly, but in general, you can expect around 15 to 20 km of use from each charge for a standard model, though some heavy duty models go as far as 48 km per charge.


As we go ahead in our life, we become immobile with the old age and we lose all confidence. We find it very difficult to move out and we have to stay inside. But now you need not stay at one place and you can go out and see the beauty.
-Now immobility is no more your problem


  • Technical Consultants trained to solve your needs and issues.
  • Quality Scooters tested before hand to ensure your safety.
  • Wide range of selection from three wheels scooter to four wheels scooter to satisfy different needs for indoor and outdoor usage.
  • Our chargers came with the Singapore safety mark.

Check Out Our Products

A three wheels mobility scooter provides a lightweight and maneuverable to mobility needs. It usually consist of two wheels in the back and another separate one in the front. It is suitable for lightweight outdoor use and many models come with headlights, tail lights and turn signal for safety purposes. Click here to see more

A Four Wheels Scooter offers a more stability option. Having two front wheels and two back wheels make the risk of toppling extremely low. It provides the freedom to explore the great outdoor. Many models are also capable of handling steep hills and curbs. Click here to see more

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